Natural Remedies

Natural remedies are gaining greater acceptance in the Canadian market place. With an aging population who places a great emphasis on their health, Natural remedies offer both a supplemental or even an alternative route for the consumer. This category has a long history in many parts of the world and is one of the fastest growth areas in Canada.

Generic Pharmaceuticals

Generic pharmaceuticals represent 65.6% of all prescriptions dispensed in Canada but only represent 23.8% of the costs of of all prescriptions dispensed. Generics are an vital part of the Canadian health system and we can help you navigate the Canadian landscape to successfully launch your products in this dynamic market.


Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEB’s) have become the fastest area of growth in the pharmaceutical industry. Many of the top selling pharmaceuticals in Canada are Biologics and the patent cliff for many of them is coming in the next few years. As Health Canada has established the regulatory route in order to launch an SEB, this is posed to become the growth area for both Generic and Brand companies alike.


Over the counter (OTC) medications can range from vitamins to pain killers, cough and cold medications to stomach ailment medications. Whatever category of OTC you are looking at entering you will have to navigate the market place of over 9,000 pharmacies, multiple wholesale distributors and establish your Canadian marketing strategies. We have participated in a number of successful OTC launches and we can help you.

Health Canada

The Canadian Regulatory regime is unique and requires expertise to navigate. Whether you need an Establishment License (EL), are attempting to get a DIN (drug identification number) or an NOC (Notice of Compliance) we can help.

Provincial Formularies

Unlike many countries where the federal body decides reimbursement, in Canada reimbursement is a provincial jurisdiction. Each province has their own reimbursement plan and administers their own processes. That means you have multiple processes and pricing regimes that you have to navigate in order to have your product added to the various provincial formularies.

Marketing Strategies

Customer loyalty programs


Product launch packages


Media strategies:

  • Print advertising
  • Electronic media
  • POP (point of purchase) marketing

Sales Strategies

Territory coverage

Sales force automation

Sales meeting planning

Compensation = motivation

Negotiation skills

Customer planning process

Presentation Skills